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Big Brothers Big Sisters is the oldest, largest and most effective youth mentoring organization in the United States. We have been the leader in one-to-one youth service for more than a century, developing positive relationships that have a direct and lasting impact on the lives of young people. Big Brothers Big Sisters serves children, ages 6 through 18, in communities across the country - including yours.

Happy Children


All youth achieve their full potential.

Tap Dance Class


Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.

Kids Playing Tug of War


By partnering with parents/guardians, volunteers and others in the community we are accountable for each child in our program achieving the following: 


  • Higher aspirations, greater confidence, and better relationships

  • Avoidance of risky behaviors

  • Educational success

Children in Science Class


National research has shown that positive relationships between youth and their Big Brothers and Big Sisters have a direct and measurable impact on children's lives. Little Brothers and Sisters are:


  • More confident in their schoolwork performance

  • Able to get along better with their families

  • 46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs

  • 27% less likely to begin using alcohol

  • 52% less likely to skip school.

Tierney, J.P., Grossman, J.B., and Resch, N.L. (1995)  Making a Difference: An Impact Study of Big Brothers Big Sisters. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures

College Students

Our JEDI Commitment Statement

Together we affirm that every person has the opportunity to reach their full potential. We are committed to creating and cultivating a safe environment where all individuals feel respected and valued equally. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory and anti-racist approach and are committed to dismantling any inequities within our policies, systems, programs and services.

Our JEDI Core Values
I(ntentional and Inclusive)


Why does JEDI matter?

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion matters because it’s the right thing to do. We serve all people and equity work in particular is about affirming all of the people, voices, perspectives, and issues that face those in which we serve. We could show statistics and data points to show how diverse boards and staff leads to higher measures of financial success, but that isn’t what drives Big Brothers Big Sisters. We are driven to this work because of the youth that we serve. They matter and deserve the best of us in all that we do. It is our obligation to be better because they deserve to have the best programs, services, and access to adults who value and live this work every day.


Support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Jackson County!

Black BBBSJC Logo White and green DIGARTS_edited.png

536 N. Jackson St.
P.O. Box 1802
Jackson, MI 49204

Phone: 517-784-7181
Fax: 517-796-9004
Office Hours:

M-Th 8:30 - 4:00 

Fri: 8:30 - 12:00


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